答:有效与否,要看法律规定的遗嘱的生效要件是否满足。生效要件至少包括实体要件和形式要件。美国各州的法律网上或者当地法院图书馆里都可以查,比如纽约州的遗嘱生效要件适用法条EPTL 3-1.1 和 EPTL 3-2.1. 有兴趣的朋友可以自己阅读一下法条内容,初步了解一下形式上的生效要件。没有兴趣的,可以直接跳过以下英文条文。
EPTL 3-1.1:Every person eighteen years of age or over, of sound mind and memory, may by will dispose of real and personal property and exercise a power to appoint such property.
EPTL 3-2.1 : (a) Except for nuncupative and holographic wills authorized by 3-2.2, every will must be in writing, and executed and attested in the following manner:(1) It shall be signed at the end thereof by the testator or, in the name of the testator, by another person in his presence and by his direction, subject to the following:(A) The presence of any matter following the testator's signature, appearing on the will at the time of its execution, shall not invalidate such matter preceding the signature as appeared on the will at the time of its execution, except that such matter preceding the signature shall not be given effect, in the discretion of the surrogate, if it is so incomplete as not to be readily comprehensible without the aid of matter which follows the signature, or if to give effect to such matter preceding the signature would subvert the testator's general plan for the disposition and administration of his estate.(B) No effect shall be given to any matter, other than the attestation clause, which follows the signature of the testator, or to any matter preceding such signature which was added subsequently to the execution of the will.(C) Any person who signs the testator's name to the will, as provided in subparagraph (1), shall sign his own name and affix his residence address to the will but shall not be counted as one of the necessary attesting witnesses to the will. A will lacking the signature of the person signing the testator's name shall not be given effect; provided, however, the failure of the person signing the testator's name to affix his address shall not affect the validity of the will.(2) The signature of the testator shall be affixed to the will in the presence of each of the attesting witnesses, or shall be acknowledged by the testator to each of them to have been affixed by him or by his direction. The testator may either sign in the presence of, or acknowledge his signature to each attesting witness separately.(3) The testator shall, at some time during the ceremony or ceremonies of execution and attestation, declare to each of the attesting witnesses that the instrument to which his signature has been affixed is his will.(4) There shall be at least two attesting witnesses, who shall, within one thirty day period, both attest the testator's signature, as affixed or acknowledged in their presence, and at the request of the testator, sign their names and affix their residence addresses at the end of the will. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that the thirty day requirement of the preceding sentence has been fulfilled. The failure of a witness to affix his address shall not affect the validity of the will.(b) The procedure for the execution and attestation of wills need not be followed in the precise order set forth in paragraph (a) so long as all the requisite formalities are observed during a period of time in which, satisfactorily to the surrogate, the ceremony or ceremonies of execution and attestation continue.”
3)如果你觉得有可能这份遗嘱会引起家庭纠纷的,有人会跳出来挑战遗嘱有效性的,那么最好请律师做,因为律师起草签署的遗嘱,法律上给予了一丢丢优待,有个 “presumption of due execution” 就是推定这是有效的,除非挑战方能拿出实锤证据证明生效要件没有满足。这种举证责任往往是案子成败的关键。
• 遗嘱
• 指定未成年人监护权
• 授权委托书,医疗决定授权书,生命意愿书
• 生前信托
• 家族信托(dynasty trust)
• 保单信托 (irrevocable life insurance trust)
• 特殊需求信托(special needs trust)
• 白卡信托 (Medicaid Trust)
• 资产保护信托 (asset protection trust)
• 税务优化相关信托
• 婚前、婚中财产协议
• 公司设立
• 资本融资
• 日常法务
• 员工合同
史敏律师,南京大学法学本硕,弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia) 法学博士(JD),纽约州和新泽西州的执业律师,并通过中国的司法考试,熟悉中美两国的法律体系。
曾供职于美国著名大型律所Latham & Watkins(瑞生)和Bloomberg(彭博)纽约总部法务部。
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